Family of Faith Missionary Baptist Church

Our Church’s Mission


Family of Faith Church exist to reach out to all people, grow as followers of Christ, and go forth in ministry and service, so that we all may know God’s love in Jesus Christ


FOF’s vision is that all people will have a loving relationship with God through Jesus Christ.


Our Core Values

Servanthood | To involve all believers as servants in the work of God’s kingdom through identification, development, and expression of their spiritual gifts.

Education/Discipleship | To clearly and creatively preach, teach, and enter the truth of God’s Word by the power of the Holy Spirit, resulting in maturity.

Worship | To be a body of believers who express Christ-centered worship in every aspect of our lives.

Fellowship | To provide a loving, nurturing, healing community that meets spiritual, physical, emotional, and fellowship needs.

Evangelism | To teach and train all believers to aggressively take the gospel to all people through personal witness, family, community outreach, and all mission opportunities.


“Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see.”

— Hebrews 11:1


Visit Us

9105 W Florissant Ave

St. Louis, MO


Sunday Morning Prayer | 8:30 AM

Sunday School | 9:00 AM

Worship Service | 10:00 AM

Wednesday Bible Study | 12:00 PM & 6:00 PM

Morning Prayer | Mon-Fri 6:00 AM - 6:30 AM

Contact Us

Please contact us with any inquiries.


(314) 521-9105