Deacon Ministry
Chairman: Dec. Willis Edwards
Our Deacon and Deaconess Board’s mission is to come together with accord to study, pray, and grow in order to promote the wellbeing of the Pastor, church, and its members.
Health Ministry
Sis. Doris Boulton
The Health Ministry has a mission collaborate with the pastor and the congregation to provide care during every aspect of service and to support the experience of illness and/or death.
Media Ministry
Min. Walter Harrison
Our Media Ministry seeks to enhance the praise and worship experience and disseminate the fruit of the Word to the body of Christ through audio/visual media.
Mothers Ministry
Sis. Dorothy Gant
This Ministry exists to honor the mothers of the church, acknowledge their wisdom, and promote and support their continued involvement in ministry.
Our Vision is to ensure Mothers of the church experience the love and support of the congregation to which they have rendered service.
Music Ministry
Min. Gary Hodges
It is the mission of the music ministry to have members who will freely give their time and talents to render songs that parallel the message of Christ that’s being delivered through the Pastor. The songs they present will not only make the hearers feel good, but will also cause their hearts to draw closer to God.
The vision of the music ministry is to have a group of baptized believers who have chosen lifestyles that reflect the life of Christ to join their voices together. Their message in song will help to usher in the presence of God and to make tinder the hearts of men. Their message shall also reiterate the overall message of the pastor, of Jesus’ love and His saving grace.
Praise Team
Min. Deborah Vinson
Sis. Natalie Graham
The Praise Team’s mission is to usher the congregation into the presence of the Holy Spirit through praise and worship; preparing their hearts and minds to receive the preached Word.
Usher Ministry
Pres: Dec. Dorothy Childress
It is our mission to greet the Family of Faith members and visitors with a kind, warm and inviting welcome when they enter our sanctuary to worship our God. We will serve our Pastor and church body with the same love that Christ has for the church. Our mission is to always have ushers in attendance when the doors of Family of Faith are open for any church event or function.
It is our vision to grow in our membership by recruiting ushers who are willing to be dedicated workers who are committed to carrying out the Church’s Mission set forth by our Pastor.
Zarephath Widows Ministry
It is our Mission minister to Widows by means of providing spiritual guidance, support, and comfort as they walk through the uncharted journey of widowhood. We aim to do this as an act of worship according to scripture in James 1:27, which says...Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and keep oneself unspotted from the world.
We have a vision to promote an awareness that the journey of widowhood does not have to be walked alone.